I’m introducing a badge feature for this site, which I hope will provide some fun challenges and records for everyone and help us all feel more connected on the web.

The highly coveted Early Supporter badge is just a hefty PNG, but only for to the first thousand supporters!
The easiest way to ‘subscribe’ to this blog is using RSS with this RSS Feed, but I’m interested in more interaction and testing what we can do with the web here with you. With your help, I can make more interactive experiences and test things I wouldn’t otherwise want to make available to the anon web.
Basically, I want to create a smaller audience to test things with and play in the web.
Badges are just a way for me to offer something to people who show their support by visiting my humble corner of the web and maybe create some fun history and experiences for people on this site.
Working on getting the first supporters an ‘Early Supporter’ badge to kick things off. I want to make some silly quizzes, maybe some interactive easter eggs, and gate access to certain posts for people who log in with an email.

I will never use these emails for anything else other than to let you know when I have something interesting ready, nor share them with anyone for any reason.
Thanks in advance for supporting my personal site, and I look forward to seeing your badge collection grow!
Go to the home page to sign up.