While we are seeing sophisticated spatial web experiences being launched like The Escape Artist, the spatial web still has a way to go and so much potential.
We have the Apple Vision Pro with Safari supporting webXR (behind a flag) AND… Verge proclaiming The Vision Pro’s first killer app is the web, whether Apple likes it or not
Vision Pro apparently sold out within the first 15 minutes and Apple’s marketing is the best for any VR/mixed-reality product I’ve seen. It’s a really exciting time for VR nerds. I know many who did not buy a vision pro but it feels like there is a new persona emerging here and Apple is reaching not only VR nerds and Apple cult devotees, but also some new folks. That’s really exciting.
Merging Web Content with the Real World Seamlessly
Check out this game called Cubism launching with the persistent pass through. We need this kind of seamless experience on the web. Cubism Demo on Reddit
Imagine pulling things out of web pages or objects being seamlessly extended out and beyond the page.
Or how about this demo where the game content bleeds off the canvas and into the real world. Very cool effect.

Watch the video here: https://twitter.com/JamesSwiney/status/1744525470207729780
2d content with 3D Objects: Bringing them Together
Even just maintaining the web page as context while you have a 3d object in your real space would be great in full immersive mode as an option.
Like this app demo from Roy Rodenhaeuser
Source: Roy Rodenhaeuser on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/royrodenhaeuser_mixedreality-quest3-metaquest3-activity-7148079071317434368-kFpt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
There are many cases where the existing 2d context of the browser window would be great to have like this plant bio website example
Looking forward to playing with more spatial web this year and publishing here on my blog.